
Instructions for Heartbreak

Stand tall in a graveyard of dead wedding flowers and refuse to turn into a ghost. 

Feel your heart: a story in a book being pulped. 

Hook yourself up to an IV drip of chocolate. 

Allow yourself to be a still life in an avalanche. 

Do not drown into silence. 

Put single tulips in vases around the house.

Tend to them by filling and emptying them of water. 

Roam around your apartment in lingerie all day. 

When your heartbeat becomes the pulse of cutting bangs, put down the scissors. 

Don’t swallow mood rings trying to feel something. 

When in doubt, turn to the Bible of red lipstick. 

Get off your phone when you’re on Tinder looking for cheap Walmart cakes. 

During moments of memories that keep you up at night, 

light the path home for retromance. 

Unclench your fists in a red room. 

Go into Tiffany’s looking for a wedding ring, 

and realize you are the chandelier.